Make a difference. Become a volunteer.
Ways to Volunteer:
Our Shelter has a zero-dollar food budget. All the food we serve our guests living in our shelter, our community at our daily free lunch, and give out at our food pantry comes from donations. The Good Shepherd Food Bank provides canned goods and non-perishable food for our food pantry. Good Shepherd Food Bank also runs a program called Fresh Rescue where local grocery stores reduce food waste by donating food to local food pantries. The Bangor Area Homeless Shelter receives Fresh Rescue donations from Shaw’s on Main Street, Hannaford on Union Street, and BJ’s in Bangor.
Currently we need a volunteer driver to pick up food from BJ’s in Bangor every Saturday between 11 am and noon. Must have a valid driver’s license, must commit to volunteering every week long-term, and must be able to lift 50 pounds.
We need volunteers to drop off dinners to serve at 5 pm to people living in our shelter and second dinner to serve at 7 pm to people living outside during our Warming Center.
Our Warming Center opens December 4, 2024, closes March 21, 2025, our day room is open to unhoused people to come in out of the cold during the night to get a hot meal. So, from December to March 21st, we serve 4 meals every day. We serve breakfast and 5 pm dinner to our guests living in our shelter. We serve lunch to anyone in the community and our guests living in our shelter then serve 7 pm dinner to people living outside who use our Warming Center.
To sign-up to drop off meals for our guests living in our shelter any day of the year, please contact Gretchen Fennelly, Volunteer Coordinator to find out what days we need help. Call (207) 947-0092 or e-mail We use a paper kitchen calendar to keep track of volunteers making lunches or 5 pm dinners.
Click on our Warming Center Sign-up Calendar Warming Center closes March 21st. We use an online calendar to keep track of volunteers dropping off 7 pm dinners for Warming Center.
Volunteer to organize donated clothing and give clothing to people in our shelter:
We receive many generous donations of clothing and items. Donated clothing is dropped off in big bags. Volunteers sort the donated clothing and hang it up. Must be able to lift up to 40 pounds, carry 20 pounds up and down stairs, and work independently in our basement. Organizer volunteers make their own schedule any day of the week and anytime.
Volunteer to clean the shelter.
We welcome volunteers who need to complete community service hours for court or for school.
To volunteer, please fill out our volunteer application at the bottom of this page then talk to Gretchen Fennelly, Volunteer Coordinator to schedule a quick 20-minute tour. Call (207) 947-0092 or e-mail to schedule a tour.