30th Hike for the Homeless Family Registration

Register as an individual before March 10th to guarantee getting a free t-shirt in your size.

We accept online registrations until April 3rd

or you’re welcome to register in person at the Hike on April 5th and pay with cash, credit, or debt card.


When you register as a family, the first registration is $30. Each additional registration is just $10.

Hike Registration Form - For Families

"*" indicates required fields

Family Registration

Contact Person's Name*

The Family Registration fee of $30 includes a free T-Shirt!

Price: $10.00
How many extra team members? ** Please email us their names and T-Shirt sizes **
Price: $10.00
Register your dog and get a Hike bandana while supplies last.

Payment Information

I am paying by:*

** Please write down your total before you submit this form. The total disappears as soon as you hit submit **


Pay by Check – Make checks payable to Bangor Area Homeless Shelter. Write Hike for the Homeless on the check memo line.

Our mailing address is 263 Main Street, Bangor, ME 04401

Pay Online by credit card, debit card, or Paypal Click Here to Pay Online

or Pay Later with cash, credit card or debit card at the Hike


If you have any questions, please call Gretchen Fennelly at (207) 947-0092 or email her at gretchenf@bangorareashelter.org